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Home Diagnosis is the first-ever television series about measured home performance and building science. Grace and Corbett Lunsford use performance testing tools like infrared thermal cameras, blower doors, pressure gauges, and contaminant sensors to diagnose homes with mystery problems across America. The show also features the #TinyLab, the world's highest performance tiny house on wheels, which toured 13,000 miles to 34 cities on the Proof Is Possible Tour in 2016-17.

Episode 2: Princeton NJ- Trust Your Nose

The world's highest performance tiny house on wheels next visits a 1960's home that's not what it seems. Mia has been told that her mind is playing tricks on her, or that she should wear a facemask, in response to her insistence that she can smell the attic or the crawlspace. Grace and Corbett do the scientific testing and find out for sure.

Episode 102: Princeton, NJ
“Trust Your Nose”

A New Jersey homeowner with a sensitive sniffer swears she can smell the air from the attic or the basement in every part of the house, but her family can’t back her up. Can Corbett and Grace use science to prove she’s not crazy? Featuring local NJ HVAC contractor Scott Greiff of SG Heating and Air Conditioning.

A New Jersey  homeowner with a sensitive sniffer swears she can smell the air from the attic or the basement in every part of the house, but her family can’t back her up. The house was built in the 1960’s and testing shows it has greater air tightness than one would think. With her growing environmental sensitivity, she has Corbett and Grace use science to help prove she’s right or it’s all in her head.